Simulation of Urban MObility

Welcome to Eclipse SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility), an open source, highly portable, microscopic and continuous multi-modal traffic simulation package designed to handle large networks.

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SUMO allows modelling of intermodal traffic systems including road vehicles, public transport and pedestrians. Included with SUMO is a wealth of supporting tools which handle tasks such as route finding, visualization, network import and emission calculation. SUMO can be enhanced with custom models and provides various APIs to remotely control the simulation.
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Automated Driving

Integrate automated vehicles in your traffic simulations and equip your vehicles with a transition of control (ToC) device

Vehicle Communication

Implement and evaluate C2X communication technologies by coupling to a communication network simulator (OMNeT++ or ns-3)

Traffic Management

Model video detectors and induction loops to manage traffic interactively by controlling speed limits, traffic lights and vehicle behavior

Microscopic Simulation

Simulate the movement of every individual object by modeling all vehicles, pedestrians and public transport explicitly

Multimodal Traffic

Combine different modes of transportation and simulate cars, buses, trains, bicycles, pedestrians, public transport and more

Online Interaction

Control the behavior of all simulation objects during a live simulation with the Traffic Control Interface (TraCI)

Network Import

Import road networks from common network formats such as OpenStreetMap, VISUM, VISSIM, NavTeq, MATsim and OpenDRIVE

Demand Generation

Use traffic counts on streets and junctions, origin-destination-matrices or virtual population models to generate realistic demand profiles

Traffic Lights

Modify traffic light schedules visually with netedit, import schedules from external data sources or generate schedules automatically


Boost your simulation with an unlimited network size, an unlimited amount of simulated vehicles and an unlimited simulation time*


Use SUMO on a variety of platforms (Windows, Linux or macOS) as it is implemented in C++ and Python and uses portable libraries

Open Source

Use and modify SUMO according to your needs as it is available under Eclipse Public License v2.0 and GNU General Public License v2.0

Conference & Community

The SUMO User Conference, held every year in Berlin since 2013, is a must-attend event for anyone involved with SUMO. It gathers international participants from the industry, research and public institutions - to present (among others) projects, studies and advancements all around traffic, simulation and SUMO. The conference is a great place to learn about new features, network with fellow enthusiasts, ask the developers, have fruitful discussions, exchange ideas and even start collaborations!

Picture of the 2023 conference attendees

Conference website Proceedings Editorial Team
openMobility logo
The future development and roadmap of SUMO is shaped and fostered by the openMobility Interest Group at the Eclipse Foundation. Several partners from industry and academia are working together towards a common mobility simulation platform for industrial applications and academic research.